
cytpower.plot(cyt_cols, cmp_col, dose_col, data, agg_funcs=None, colors={}, labels={}, ls={}, markers={}, err_kwds={}, fill_kwds={'alpha': 0.33}, fit_kwds={}, grid_kwds={}, legend_kwds={}, leghan_kwds={}, line_kwds={}, log=False, markers_kwds={}, melted=False, plt_num=100, figname=None, savefig_kwds={}, spline_smth=50, subplot_kwds={}, tight_layout=True, title='{cmp}', title_kwds={}, xlabel_kwds={}, xlim=None, xticks=None, xticks_labels=None, xticks_kwds={}, ylabel_kwds={}, ylim=None, yticks=None, yticks_labels=None, yticks_kwds={})

Cytotoxic assay data plotting. Input data must be converted to a pandas DataFrame object.

cyt_cols : string or array_like

Column(s) containing cytotoxic data values.

cmp_col : string

Column containing chemical compounds names.

dose_col : string

Column containing dose values.

data : DataFrame object

Long-form dataframe where each row is an observation.

agg_funcs : array_like of str or array_like of callable, optional

List of two aggregation functions. Typically, central measure and deviation functions. Passed to Pandas DataFrame agg method. Default is [‘mean’, ‘sem’].

colors : dict, optional

Dictionary with compound names as keys and colors as values.

labels : dict, optional

Dictionary with column names (cyt_cols) as keys and plot labels as values.

ls : dict, optional

Dictionary with compound names as keys and matplotlib linestyles as values.

markers : dict, optional

Dictionary with compound names as keys and matplotlib markers as values.

err_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.errorbar method.

fill_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.fill_between method.

fit_kwds : dict, optional

Dict containing lmfit models as key -> value pairs where key is a compound name and value is a model created with lmfit package (see manual).

grid_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.grid method.

legend_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.legend function.

leghan_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib lines.Line2D method.

line_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.plot method.

log : bool, optional

Compute log dose values using non-log concentration/dose data in dose_col.

markers_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.plot method.

melted : bool, optional

Defines if input DataFrame is already melted.

plt_num : int, optional

Number of plot coordinates returned by fitted function.

figname : str, optional

Figure filename. {cmp} can be used as a variable for compound name.

savefig_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib errorbar function. Filename is defined by fname keyword. {cmp} can be used as a variable for compound name.

spline_smth : int, optional

Spline smoothing factor passed to UnivariateSpline method.

subplot_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.subplots method.

tight_layout : bool, optional

Defines if to use pyploy.tight_layout method to optimize plot.

title : str, optional

Plot title. {cmp} can be used as a variable for compound name.

title_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.title method.

xlabel_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib errorbar function.

xlim : array_like of ints or floats, optional

Minimum and maximum X values (dose values) for plotting.

xticks : array_like of ints or floats, optional

List of X ticks.

xticks_labels : array_like, optional

List of X ticks labels.

xticks_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.xticks method.

ylabel_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.ylabel method.

ylim : array_like of ints or floats, optional

Minimum and maximum Y values for plotting.

yticks : array_like of ints or floats, optional

List of Y ticks.

yticks_labels : array_like, optional

List of Y ticks labels.

yticks_kwds : dict, optional

Dict of keywords passed to matplotlib pyplot.yticks method.

Pandas DataFrame object containing results.