
cytpower.calc(cyt_cols, cmp_col, dose_col, data, timedelta=24, iters=16, melted=False, log=False, xlim=None, agg_funcs=None, spline_smth=50, fit_kwds={}, indices_kwds={})

Cytotoxic power calculation. Input data must be converted to a pandas DataFrame object. Also, see reference [1].

cyt_cols : string or array_like

Column(s) containing cytotoxic data values.

cmp_col : string

Column containing chemical compounds names.

dose_col : string

Column containing dose values.

data : DataFrame object

Long-form dataframe where each row is an observation.

timedelta : int or float, optional

Cell incubation duration. Default is 24 hours.

iters : int, optional

Bootstrap iterations number to obtain multiple power values (for multiple experiments).

melted : bool, optional

Defines if input dataframe is already melted.

log : bool, optional

Compute log dose values using basic concentration/dose data in dose_col.

xlim : float, optional

Minimum and maximum dose values for calculation.

agg_funcs : array_like, optional

List of two aggregation functions. Typically, central measure and deviation functions. Passed to Pandas DataFrame agg method. Default is [‘mean’, ‘sem’].

spline_smth: int or float, optional

Spline smoothing factor. Passed to UnivariateSpline method.

fit_kwds : dict, optional

Dict containing lmfit models as key->val pairs where key is a compound and val is a model created with lmfit package (see manual).

indices_kwds : str, dict or array_like of str, optional

The following options are available: 1) Dict containing the following keys and values: expr : array_like or str Operations to be applied to indices. Available values: -, /, +, *. Several may be specified.

cols : array_like Columns containing cytotoxic data that must be used to calculate indices.

2) Dict containing indices key and values (str or array_like of str): E.g.: ‘E1-E2’ or [‘E1/E2’, ‘E1-E2’]. Column names must be safe for pandas eval func (no spaces or operation symbols in column names).

Pandas DataFrame object containing results.


[1](1, 2) Goncharov, N. V., Terpilowski, M. A., Nadeev, A. D., Kudryavtsev, I. V., Serebriakova, M. K., Zinchenko, V. P., Avdonin, P. V. (2018). Cytotoxic Power of Hydrogen Peroxide Effect on Endothelial Cells in vitro. Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology, 12(2), 180-188.